US Business - Hybrid Cloud Adoption Trends

Techaisle Reports are available for a fee, either individually or as part of Techaisle's annual subscription services. Detailed table of contents of the report for review can be downloaded below.
Detailed surveys with US enterprises (1000+ employees), midmarket firms (100-999 employees) and small businesses (1-99 employees).
Techaisle believes that the debate between public, private and hybrid will have a limited “shelf life”. Even if we limit the definition of “hybrid” to meaningful linkages between public and private cloud infrastructure, data shows that hybrid cloud is gaining momentum in small business, has taken root in midmarket firms and is firmly entrenched in the enterprise segment.
According to survey responses, hybrid cloud – employed by 23% of cloud-using small businesses today – will be the approach of choice for 35% in 2016. Meanwhile, hybrid accounts for 35% of mid-market respondents’ cloud use today, and is expected to capture a 49% of new spending in the next one year. On the enterprise side – businesses with more than 1000 employees, hybrid adoption has already reach 75% and another 20% are planning to adopt hybrid within the year.
Brief Table of Contents is given below. For more details please download the Table of Contents doucment.
- Executive Summary
- State of Hybrid Cloud adoption
- Current & planned adoption of hybrid cloud among US businesses - small, mid-market, enterprises
- Planned approach to deploying hybrid cloud
- Expected change in cloud delivery infrastructure - private, public, hybrid
- Private vs. Public vs. Private cloud delivery trends - small, midmarket, enterprise businesses
- Cloud delivery methouds, pockets of demand & overlaps
- Connecting to external clouds - current use & plans
- Cloud orchestration
- Hybrid cloud business objectives, benefits & requirements
- Reasons for deploying hybrid cloud
- Hybrid cloud solving business and IT pain points
- Hybrid cloud deployment decision process - go, no-go process
- Cloud buyer's journey - influencing the buyer
- Microsoft Azure - platform of choice for hybrid cloud adoption
- Report and analysis is based on detailed surveys with US enterprises (1000+ employees), midmarket firms (100-999 employees) and small businesses (1-99 employees). Respondents were key decision makers responsible for cloud selection and/or deployment.
- Total number of businesses surveyed in the study = 1866
- Sampling quota fixed by employee size categories: 1-9, 10-19, 20-49, 50-99, 100-249, 250-499, 500-999, 1000-2499, 2500-4999 and 5000 or more
List Price: US$1500
- Word/PDF Report
- 2 hours of inquiry on data
List Price: US$1500